Some of the most common activities of an oceanography study include:- Research on oceanographic characteristics: This activity involves studying the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the ocean, such as temperature, salinity, currents, biodiversity, and impacts of climate change.- Data collection: Data collection can be done using in-situ observation techniques or through remote sensing instruments such as sonar, sensors, and sampling equipment.- Data analysis: Once the data is collected, it is analysed to identify any patterns or correlations and draw conclusions about the oceanographic characteristics studied.- Oceanographic modelling: Modelling is used to simulate oceanographic processes to better understand the studied phenomena and predict their future behaviour.- Ecosystem monitoring: The study of oceanic ecosystems and their environmental impacts is an important activity of oceanography studies.- Oceanographic mapping: Oceanographic maps are used to visualise the physical and biological characteristics of the ocean and to facilitate navigation and the localisation of natural resources.- Environmental impact assessment: Environmental impact assessment focuses on analysing the environmental impacts of natural events and anthropogenic activities on the marine ecosystem.-Technical consulting: Oceanography professionals can provide technical consulting to industries and government organisations on ocean-related issues such as fisheries management and marine ecosystem protection.

The most common topics in our oceanography research:

  • Oceanographic field campaigns and monitoring programmes

  • Offshore oceanographic studies: tides, wind, waves, currents 

  • Coastal hydrodynamics

  • Mean Water Level (MWL) analysis: astronomical and meteorological tides, wind set-up, climate change, etc.

Our experience includes more than 400 oceanography and wave climate studies worldwide (+30 countries)